Children Ministries
Sunday School
The Bible is full of amazing stories about people who did great things for God - some were incredibly brave and strong, like Samson. Others were quiet and gentle, like Daniel and Ruth. The one thing they all had in common was that they loved the Lord with all their heart and dared to do big things for Him. Sunday School will take kids on a journey through the Bible with stories of heroes who had all kinds of adventures.
From each lesson kids will learn valuable life lessons to apply to their own lives, and so become passionate for God!

Junior Church
During our Morning Worship hour at 10:30 AM. we offer a, “Junior Church.” This is a well supervised time of learning for all children. There are two classes: one for two and three year olds and the other for grades K through 6th. The children have a lesson from God’s Word, sing, color, and get a light snack. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for parents to focus on the message of God’s Word knowing that their little ones are well cared for in a safe and comfortable environment.
Kids 4 Truth
Meets every Wednesday night at 7 pm.
Lays a Foundation for Learning and Living God's Word
What truths do kids need to know from God’s Word? How do they apply those truths to their lives? Kids4Truth takes kids beyond salvation by discipling them and developing them in their Christian walk.